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In this article you will find information and data on statistics

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

You can customize the the table interface:

  • To show or hide columns, click on the "three dots" in any section: "Traffic", "Conversions", "Audience", "Leads";

  • In the “Table Settings” window, you can set the percentage for calculating the EPC. (see image 3)

Columns description:


  • “Clicks” - the total number of clicks;

  • "Unique visitors" - unique visitors;

  • “EPC” - (Received + Expected * individually set coefficient) / clicks ”. The individually set coefficient is set in the “Table settings” window as a percentage;

  • “% CR” - (Total leads / total clicks) * 100;

  • “% SR” - traffic to a landing page from a pre-landing page.

Conversion rate

“% Conversion” - (Accepted Leads / Total Leads) * 100%;

“% Approved callers” - percentage of approved callers (we consider the leads the callers who got the final status: approved or rejected. The system considers the leads that are in progress as not called);

“% reached by phone” - the percentage of reached by phone clients (we consider the callers as leads who have received the final status: approved or rejected. The system considers the leads that are in progress as not called).


  • “Total” - the sum of the sections “Accepted”, “Awaiting”, “Rejected”;

  • “Accepted” - the leads with the “Accepted” status (the client has made an order);

  • "Awaiting" - leads with the "In progress" status (CC makes attempts to get through to the client or the client asked to call back);

  • “Rejected” - leads with the “Refuse” + “Fraud” status (the Client refused to purchase);

  • “Trash” - leads with the “Trash” status (for example, an incorrect phone number or a non-existent geo).

Income in statistics

  • “Received” the amount of leads with the“ Confirmed ”status * on the cost of the lead;

  • "Awaiting" - the sum of leads with the status ("In progress") *on the cost of a lead.

In the interface of the "Statistics" section, the function of filtering leads is also available with and without trashback.

In order to apply a filter by lead type, go to the Statistics section, find the "Lead type" drop-down list and select the desired filter from the list.

The following types of filtering statistics by leads are available:

  • Only Trashback;

  • Without Trashback;

  • Only Trashback - allows you to filter statistics to show ONLY Trashback leads

  • Without Trashback - allows you to leave all leads in statistics except for Trashback

For example, we need to filter only leads processed by the “Trashback” technology, in the “Lead type” tab, check the “Only Trashback” box and click the “Apply” button.

All statistics are displayed in real time.

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